Since March 2020 (COVID-19 regulations) there has been minimal Horse Handler action. As we look to re start the Horse Hander Network. We welcome volunteers to partner with us in this service.
The time you schedule can be from 2 hours a month to 10 or more hours a month.
The purpose of this service is to cultivate an unmounted equine assisted learning standard of professionalism and safety (ground manners) for therapy specialists, and people working with, and participating in achieving equine-human experiences.
This service
1) grooming the horses
2) teaching the horses:
A) ground manners.
B) Stretching and guided walking.
Horse Handler volunteers must have experience in working with and handling horses or a strong desire to learn to work with horses;
Must be able and willing to learn to handle appropriately and safely all horses on site;
Must be willing to learn and become comfortable alerting Farm Operations Assistant and Handler Supervisor for problem solving and guided response;
Must communicate with Horse Handler Network Coordinator on a bi-weekly basis (or more if needed).
All horse handlers will be vetted through a scheduled orientation process led by one of our Mental Health Providers in team with one of our Equine Specialists.