Light Housekeeping

Light Housekeeping

Keeping Beautiful Grounds We are looking for people to help maintain the house on The Farm. Responsibilities include checking to see if the pool needs cleaned between professional visits, general cleaning such as sweeping, ensuring cats are fed, and similar...
Memorial Bench Maintenance

Memorial Bench Maintenance

Memorial Bench Maintenance Throughout the grounds of Building Bridges Foundation, you will find benches for relaxation. These benches have all been donated in honor and/or memory of a special person. At BBF, our mission is to help one Veteran at a time overcome their...
Memorial Bench Maintenance

Outreach Opportunities

Help Spread the Word Photo courtesy of PBS.orgWe are currently looking for volunteers to help make phone calls that will continue to raise awareness of the activities going on at The Farm and beyond. We provide a database of contact information of former donors and...
Horse Handler Network Services

Horse Handler Network Services

Since March 2020 (COVID-19 regulations) there has been minimal Horse Handler action. As we look to re start the Horse Hander Network. We welcome volunteers to partner with us in this service. The time you schedule can be from 2 hours a month to 10 or more hours a...
Make Your Day Great Project – Horse Feeding

Make Your Day Great Project – Horse Feeding

If you live in the neighborhood and enjoy the farm environment you may want to volunteer to be a horse feeder one or two evenings a week. This service is managed by our Farm Operations Staff, a schedule calendar is posted in the feed room. Orientation to the task will prepare you in advance of actual start up